The function of a sauce has never be underestimated since Roman times; it is the thread that combines all elements on a platter together more often to complement ingredients but sometimes to contradict in order to emphasise or highlight other flavour elements.This hands on workshop focuses on how to take control of this all important yet so often overlooked component by demonstrating structures and from this, how many applications can be layered with flavours to suit mood, season, key ingredients or simply create your own signature concept by expanding one's imagination. Once key techniques are mastered, this opens doors to a world of flavours and advanced food concepts.
This workshop introduces the classics as this is important in order to get a thorough grounding and understanding of sauce evolution and then moves into new world sauces embracing flavours and other ingredients from around the globe and sometimes fusing or lightly blending these with the classic masters. There is no evening dine connected with this workshop but sampling with small plates with sauces during the workshop.